How To Overcome Jealousy In A Relationship

how to deal with jealousy in a relationship

How To Overcome Jealousy In A Relationship

Feeling mildly jealous is a normal human emotion, as long as it is communicated thoughtfully. A relationship that has a strong bond is built on love, trust, mutual respect, and good communication. But in a case where a person starts to feel worried or threatened about losing their partner, these emotions can lead to insecurity, fear, and jealousy.

Jealousy can be extremely damaging in a relationship and is usually caused due to low self-esteem, and anxiety. Nevertheless, here are some methods how to overcome jealousy in a relationship.

How To Overcome Jealousy In A Relationship

1. Communication

If you’re dealing with feelings of jealousy it’s best that you communicate it to your partner. Be truthful about what you feel and about anything that makes you feel inferior or uncomfortable. If you openly communicate your feelings to your partner it is an indication of healthy jealousy.

2. Keep in mind that insecurity is the root cause of Jealousy

When you keep in mind that jealousy is caused by insecurities, it can help you be more mindful when you’re interacting with others. So if you start to feel jealous in any situation you can take a step back and reason with yourself.

3. Learn to manage your emotions

In a relationship, you can always ask for your partner’s support to help you overcome jealousy, but it’s impossible for them to manage your emotions for you. To learn how to identify what you’re feeling, acknowledge it, face it, and then learn how to cope with it.

4. Identify underlying issues

Before you communicate it to your partner, first make sure to understand where your feelings are coming from. Thereafter, make sure to take responsibility for your behavior and then make it a goal to address any insecurity you might be dealing with.

5. Recognize your unmet and unspoken needs

This step requires you to be very vulnerable and it is not an easy task. But the self-assessment can be as easy as asking yourself questions such as: What is the underlying cause of this emotion? In what areas do I feel unheard? What do I believe I’m losing? Etc.

6. Learn to appreciate yourself

As mentioned before, insecurities and low self-esteem are two of the most common reasons for jealousy. These reasons will immediately make you feel like there is a threat to your relationship. So the best option is to make a list of some of the best things you love about yourself and what your partner loves about you. Also if you compare yourself to anyone on social media, it is a healthy step to either take a social media break or unfollow that person.

7. Heal from past wounds

Another underlying issue of jealousy is a lack of trust due to past relationships. Lack of trust in a relationship is usually caused by unhealthy, traumatic, or negative past experiences. To overcome such issues, it is important that you heal. Learn to trust by understanding that the person you’re with is not your ex.

8. Avoid making rash decisions

In the midst of temporary emotions, many people make decisions that have long-term negative impacts on their relationships. If jealousy gets out of control it can lead to anger and then the relationship is most likely to fall apart. So in such a situation, make sure to take a few minutes to calm yourself down before you speak or make any decision. And also practice rational thinking.

9. Keep a journal

A journal is a safe place to vent and write down your emotions or anything that you feel. So you can take it as an opportunity to look beneath the surface and explore frustrations and insecurities. Also makes sure to write down any questions you may find helpful and answer them in such a way that helps you to rationalize.

10. Therapy

With the use of couple’s therapy, the therapist can guide both you and your partner on how you’ll identify negative and intrusive thoughts and replace them with positive and realistic thoughts. Working together with your partner on your emotions is a great method to strengthen your relationship and overcome jealousy.

Overall, if jealousy is not dealt with, it can cause negative emotions in the future that can damage the relationship in the long run. So make sure to follow the above steps and build a healthy relationship with your partner.

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