Psychological Facts About Cheating Man

facts about a cheating man

Psychological Facts About Cheating Man

Unfaithfulness is one of the most difficult things to endure in a relationship. According to research, most couples go their separate ways after one partner is found cheating on the other. But in the case of men, cheating is becoming more common than it used to be. Men cheat due to many reasons, some even take the risk to continue cheating even after they’re caught. So why exactly do men cheat? Is it a lack of intimacy? Or is it because they don’t love their partner anymore? Let’s take a look.

Psychological Facts About Cheating Man

1. Childhood abuse

In some cases, cheating is a trauma response to childhood abuse. This can include anything from emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, etc. such issues in a man’s childhood can lead to attachment and intimacy issues in his adult life where he may struggle to commit to one partner. Subconsciously he cheats to distract himself from past wounds and damage.

2. Feeling Unique

Even though this is not very common, some men cheat as they are convinced that they are unique. So a man will cheat under the conviction that he is different from others and thus deserves something better in comparison to other men. So he does not play by the usual rules instead he becomes a rule breaker.  So he simply cheats as a reward for himself for being unique.

3. Impulsive decisions

Some men do not plan on cheating. In fact, they might not even have thought about cheating before. But when an opportunity presents itself, he makes an impulsive decision without calculating the damage it might cause to his relationship with his partner.

4. Lack of understanding on commitment and limerence

He lacks an understanding of the difference between long-term love and romantic intensity. Some men assume that limerence (neurochemical rush felt during the early stages of a relationship) is love and they fail to understand that healthy long-term relationships usually become less intense with time and are replaced with a much more meaningful and mature form of connection. Thus they go in search of this limerence not knowing it is a temporary feeling despite who you’re with.

5. Abandonment issues

Some men struggle with fears of being abandoned by their partner, so to overcome this they start having more than one partner hoping that it’ll help to contain the fear. And also a cheating man may be feeling dissatisfied with himself and also fears rejection.  Even though cheating does not solve this issue, he believes it helps him to bury the anxiety and fear.

6. Craving for an adrenaline rush

In general, men love action and danger especially because it fuels them with an adrenaline rush. However, some men seek this by cheating. So when a man cheats even though he knows it’s wrong, he enjoys the adrenaline rush he gets by crossing boundaries and breaking the rules.

7. Narcissism

Even though some men cheat due to a lack of self-esteem some others cheat as they operate from narcissism. This thinking pattern causes him to believe that he is entitled to the extra attention and deserves an absurd amount of tending and justifies it by looking for it elsewhere.

8. Feels Inferior

In a case where a man is not secure with himself, he might start to compare himself to his partner which will make him feel inferior. In order to deal with this feeling, he will start to use unhealthy coping mechanisms such as cheating to help him feel superior.

9. Thirst for power

Men in power often cheat because they feel powerful either because of their position in the workplace or their financial status. Furthermore, this also helps to further satisfy the need for power by using dominance. This is because they make sure to use their status to get what they want.

10. Feels unloved and misunderstood

A lot of men that cheat feel like their partner does not love or understand them. So to fulfill this need, they start to seek it from another person. Even though this may seem like the partner’s fault, it’s actually an issue of a lack of communication.

Overall, cheating is a common problem in society nowadays. And there are many reasons why a man would decide to cheat on his partner. Thus we hope the above psychological facts about cheating man has helped you to get a better understanding of why men cheat.

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