15 Psychological Facts About Dreams

Fact About Dreams



The psychology of dreams means they are uncontrollable. Once you are sleeping you physically and mentally feel healthy when a dream comes.

Most of the dreams come during the REM sleep mode. This REM means Rapid eye movement. REM sleep dream tale 90 minutes after that the person falls asleep.

It helps with muscle relaxation, eye movement, fast breath activity.REM sleep is also known for our ability to remember our dreams. 

Interesting 15 Psychological Facts About Dreams


1. your mind is more active during a dream when you’re awake .

When during sleep our body and mind relax during that time.

Because when we awake that time our brain starts their work. also until we go to sleep that time also our brain is busy.

Daydreams are good for your brain. It makes you more creative.

One of the best things scientists have received their best ideas from their dream even many artists also get ideas from dreams.

2. Everybody dreams.

Every human being dreams. Some psychological disorders they can’t see the dream. Because every human has a dream and their dreams are different.

3. Blind people also has dream.

People who became blind after their birth. They also can see images in their dreams. Blind people cannot see any visuals in their dreams they feel emotions and also other senses. This kind of person most likes dreams.

4. Everybody dreams have colour

A full 12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white. The remaining number of people have full-color dreams. They dream more often more intensely in sound, smells, and touch sensations.

5. Dream is symbolic 

Dreams speak in a very deeply symbolic language.

6. Emotions

The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety. Negative emotions are more common than positive ones. You cannot control emotion when you are in your dreams. Lots of emotions you feel in the dream.

7. You have a maximum of 6 dreams in one night.

On average you can dream anywhere from one or two hours every night.

8. Control 

People can’t control their dreams even. While they can’t do anything. also same like the unconscious,

9. You can’t read.

You can’t read in dreams. Because reading and dreaming are different sides of the brain. These don’t cooperate during dreams. so you do one thing at a time.

10. Sleepwalker

Sleepwalking is a very rare and potentially dangerous disorder. It is an extreme level of 20%. People sleepwalking in the world.

11. Body paralysis REM mode

When in this REM mode our brain and body are also going into paralysis. That time you can’t move, you cannot do anything.

12. you forget 90% of your dreams

within 5-7 minutes you have forgotten your dream. when you are wakeup after some time only you know your dream or you repeat your dream. after you forget all of your dreams.

13. Dream incorporations

this dream incorporation means that some time in your dreams, you hear a sound from reality and incorporate it way.

14. in your dream, you are the one only see a face that you already know.

It means most people while they are in a dream they see most f the people’s faces. because they see the people they already know that people face.

15. Dreams help to solve your problems

The psychologist said “sleeping hours may help to solve their problem” because sometimes you didn’t finish your work, including math problems and science experiments. while doing sleeping you get the dream. that dream finish your pending works.

these all are facts about dreams, it is very interesting facts. dreams also helping to everything.

Enjoy your sweet dreams.