Why Relationship Is Important In Our Life

Why Relationship Is Important

People work better when no one adds more problems to those that naturally already exist in the professional environment. And a good way to build a favorable climate for everyone is to promote empathy and understanding, especially when we have to participate in working groups.

At first glance, it may not seem so, but a migraine sufferer can make a difference on the team, inspiring their teammates to be more human and compassionate, creating moments where everyone respects each other more, helps each other more, speaks and listens to each other with real attention and interest.

In such an environment, friendship and positive attitudes flourish. After all, everyone is happy to feel welcomed and respected. And when people are happy, their engagement, creativity, and productivity improve.

That is why it is so important to invest time and energy to develop healthy relationships, participate in internal or external initiatives that seek the common interest, and always work for the well-being and happiness of everyone.

If you suffer from migraines, how about talking about it with people you trust? Perhaps these people, as they learn more about your courage, maybe inspired by your example. After all, those who face and overcome a migraine attack can face any setback or difficulty in life with more compassion, tolerance, and resilience.

Studies conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT show the importance of personal relationships for our quality of life.

People who know their feelings and emotions well are able to express themselves better and have a network of contacts related to their personal tastes and preferences.

How to achieve this? Based on some pillars: self-knowledge, empathy, and ethics.

Self-Awareness: Acknowledge your actions and reactions. Your behavior impacts others and vice versa.

Empathy: See yourself in the other, listen to their opinions, know to listen. To get to a win-win negotiation, you have to develop a balanced relationship.

Ethics: Have attitudes that do not harm others, do not break agreements, and do not go against what is considered right and fair.

We can be very self-aware, highly empathetic, and cordial, but if we don’t conduct ourselves ethically, we won’t be able to maintain balanced relationships.


It is very important that before starting any relationship, you first fall in love with yourself regardless of the type of it. Only when you really love yourself can you love someone else in an unselfish way. The feeling does not need to be mutual. If you’re okay with yourself, you just want the other person to be happy. Regardless of whether that means being with someone else or away from you.

Not all the people you know should love you, the important thing is that you value yourself and be honest with yourself. The worst thing you can do is pretend to be someone you are not to please someone else because that is how you are unfaithful to yourself. And believe me, this is a mistake that takes a lot of work to overcome.

Fall in love with yourself before anyone else, because everyone has different life paths, and only you will walk the one that corresponds to you.

What is a healthy relationship?


When we talk about “healthy” relationships, some often get the impression that “perfect” relationships exist. Obviously, relationships are not perfect since they all have their weaknesses, mistakes, or defects. This happens since people are not perfect. Therefore our relationships are not perfect either.

The main characteristic of a healthy relationship is that you are interested in working and pay attention to your possible difficulties and weaknesses.

“No road is long with good company”

Turkish proverb

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