How To Deal With Loneliness After A Breakup

how to get rid of the lonely feeling after a breakup

How To Deal With Loneliness After A Breakup

Loneliness after a breakup is quite common and expected. You were sharing a life with your partner and probably even making plans for the future. Thus it is no doubt that breakups stir strong emotions in people, and loneliness is one of the most common emotions experienced. Nevertheless, here are some methods that will help deal with loneliness after a breakup.

How To Deal With Loneliness After A Breakup

1. Take a walk in nature and exercise

It is important that you exercise and move your body as it releases a hormone called endorphin that helps to make you feel good. You don’t have to do anything too strenuous but as long as you manage to go outside it will have many positive effects. The sun on your face also helps to produce endorphins and serotonin which helps to improve your mood.

2. Find a new hobby

Joining a club or a class is a great method to meet new people who share similar interests as yourself. Such social groups play a huge role to help you feel included and to make handling the breakup much easier.

3. Strengthen current relationships

It is a difficult task to reach out to people when you are feeling lonely. It is much easier binge watching Netflix by yourself while eating snacks. Even though this is tempting it is not the best method to deal with loneliness after a breakup. So reach out to that one person who always lightens up your mood and try planning a meet-up at least once a week.

4. Volunteer

Volunteering at a local charity is one of the best methods to combat loneliness and also a great way to make new friends. But most importantly, this will help you practice kindness which releases the oxytocin hormone that will make you feel warm and connected to others. It also plays a huge role in making you feel purposeful and passionate which is crucial for your overall well-being.

5. Get a pet

Cats and dogs are great companions when you feel lonely, especially because they are full of unconditional love. If you do not want to adopt a pet you can even try working as a dog walker which is a great method to help improve your mood while earning an extra income. 

6. Take a social media break

Always scrolling on social media is very unhealthy for your mental health and it also makes you feel very lonely when you’re going through a breakup. Instead, try and spend time with people and activities in real life that will help to improve your mood.

7. Prioritise self-care

This is very important especially when you’re feeling down. Make sure to get proper sleep, exercise, and eat healthily.  Also, keep in mind to avoid any type of negative thinking as well as alcohol. Instead, replace it with a massage or a spa treatment.

8. Step out of the comfort zone

In order for things to change in your life you should be willing to try things that are different. It can be a challenge to push yourself when you’re not in a good emotional state but set some achievable goals or tasks. This can include anything such as smiling and saying hello to strangers when you go for a walk or starting a conversation with the next person in the coffee queue. This will help you to feel connected and boost your self-confidence.

9. Stay aware of what triggers your loneliness

Identify what things or people trigger your feelings of loneliness and also what makes you feel seen and connected. After you become aware of this it’s easier to do something about it. Start to spend more time doing the things or being around the people that make you feel connected.

10. Reach out for professional help

If you’re struggling emotionally after going through a breakup, a therapist or a breakup and divorce coach can guide you through the process to help you become stronger and happier. So if you feel like you need professional help don’t keep yourself from reaching out.

Overall, if you’re going through a breakup it is important that you take the above points into consideration to help overcome loneliness. So always prioritize your mental health and take the necessary steps to ensure that you’re emotionally stable and content.

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