Interesting Facts about Gregor Mendel

Facts about Gregor Mendel

Interesting Facts about Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel was a German scientist that was well known for his pea plant experiments. His experiments helped to discover the transfer of hereditary characteristics from generation to generation. However, during his time, his valuable findings were rejected. But it was only after several decades after his death that he was credited for his discovery. Here are some interesting facts about Gregor Mendel.

interesting facts about gregor mendel

1. He studied beekeeping in his childhood and worked as a gardener

Gregor’s family owned a small farm on which they worked and lived. So in his early years, he spent his life in rural settings. It was then that he started to study beekeeping in his childhood and then worked as a gardener later on.

2. He was originally named Johann Mandel

Born on the 22nd of July 1822 in Heizendorf, Austria which is now called Hyncice, Czechoslovakia, Gregor Mandel was named Johann Mandel when he was born. But when he joined the abbey his name was changed from Johann to Gregor.

3. He failed to become a certified teacher even though he attempted twice

While training as a priest, Gregor also worked as a high school substitute teacher. And in 1850 he attempted the examination to become a certified high school teacher but failed. 3 years later he again returned to the monastery in Brno where he was offered a teaching position. But after he attempted the examination in 1856 he failed for the 2nd time.

4. He is an Alumni of the Palacky University in Olomouc

In 1840 after Gregor finished grammar school, he joined the faculty of philosophy at the university of Olomouc. At the time he suffered from depression and had to go back home to recover. Despite this, he excelled at his education specifically in mathematics and physics. In the year 1843, he successfully completed the program.

5. Gregor’s famous experiments were done on peas

Gregor conducted his experiments on the transmission of hereditary characteristics in plants in the 2 hectares garden of the monastery. Due to various scientific reasons, Gregor chose peas to conduct his experiments. He considered 7 characteristics of the pea plant including its height, seed color, and texture, for his research.

6. His work was rejected and was not recognized until after his death

In 1865, Gregor presented his research at the Natural History Society of Brno in Moravia. His paper on his study was published the following year in the society’s journal. However, his work was rejected by the scientific community. The significance of his work was not recognized until 1900 which was after his death and 35 years after his paper was first published.

7. He became an abbot

Gregor was appointed as the abbot of his monastery in 1868. and his bad eyesight and other administrative work that came along with his elevation made it difficult for him to pursue his scientific work.

8. Gregor suffered from a painful disease

Towards to end of his life, Gregor suffered from a sickness called Bright disease. This causes inflammation in the structure of the kidney that produces urine. On the 6th of January 1844, Gregor Mandel passed away at age 61.

9. His scientific findings are now called Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

The laws that were proposed by Gregor Mendel are today widely known as Mendel’s laws of inheritance. And also the Gregor Mendel Institute of molecule plant biology that was founded in the year 2000 was named after him.

10. Today Gregor Mendel is famously known as the father of modern genetics

After Mendel’s theories were rediscovered, his reputation started to grow at a rapid rate. Along with the combination of Mendel’s theories in the 1930s and 1940s and Darwin’s natural selection led to the modern synthesis of evolutionary biology. Due to this Gregor Mandel is now provided recognition for setting the foundation of the science of genetics and is known as the “father of modern genetics”.

Overall, Gregor Mendel was a great figure. And to this day he is given much respect for his knowledge and scientific findings. Despite his fame that came only after his death, he will always be known as the father of modern genetics.

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