Fun Facts about Axolotls

axolotl fun facts

Fun Facts about Axolotls

The axolotl is a type of amphibian specifically a salamander that is known to be one of the world’s most unique and unusual species. Commonly known as the “Mexican walking fish”, Axolotls aren’t exactly a type of fish. They are amphibians and can easily be found in freshwater lakes and ponds in Mexico. Nevertheless, here are some fun facts about Axolotls.

Fun Facts about Axolotls

1. Axolotls can regrow their organs and lost limbs

In just a matter of a few weeks, Axolotls can grow back their lost limbs. They can even regrow their heart, lungs, parts of their brain, and even their spinal cord. If they suffer any type of injury, damaged parts of their body simply grow back without any scarring.

2. You can eat Axolotls

Before Axolotls were considered an endangered species, Xochimilco natives used to eat salamanders. Axolotl tamales were commonly served with cornmeal. It is said that they taste similar to eels or white fish meat with a more crunchy texture.

3. Their gills extend from either side of their head

Axolotls have lungs that are fully functional as well as gills. Most of the time, they come up to the surface of the water for a gulp of air. Their gills can easily be identified as it extends from either side of their head and looks a lot like feathery branches.

4. Axolotls can eat gravel

Gravel is usually mixed with the small aquatic life that axolotls feed on. But this is not a bad thing and it does not cause any harm to them. Axolotls usually use the gravel they eat to create a grinding action on their food. And after it’s eaten, they use it to regulate buoyancy in its body.

5. Axolotls’ breeding process consists of a dance

The female and male axolotls start off their breeding process with a dance. This is considered the initial step where they dance in a circular fashion. Later on, the male will drop a sperm cap that is shaped like a cone and the female will pick it up with her cloaca. Thereafter, the fertilization process begins.

6. They use suction to eat food

Axolotls don’t chew their food but they use suction to eat. They do this by using rakers that interlock and close their gill slits once the food is sucked into their mouth. Since Axolotls are a type of carnivorous species they eat tadpoles, worms, insects, as well as small fish.

7. They don’t age

Axolotls are a part of the Salamander family, but unlike normal Salamanders, axolotls don’t go through metamorphosis. This means they don’t go through a process where they grow out of the juvenile stage to become an adult. So they never grow out of their larvae stage.

8. Axolotls have very low predators

In the wild, Axolotls are not consumed by other predators in fact they are pretty much on their own. However, there are few aquatic competitors that eat axolotls. Some of the most common are the Tilapia and the Carp.

9. The female axolotl lays a very large amount of eggs

The female axolotl lays at least 300 to 1000 eggs in the water. The eggs are laid individually and are most commonly placed on rocks or plants to help protect them from predators. It takes 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch and the young axolotls grow independently from the moment they hatch.

10. Axolotls can only be found in Mexico

Axolotl’s natural habitat is Lake Xochimilco which is an ancient network of canals and lakes in southern Mexico City.  But axolotls can also live in aquariums, research labs as well as water tanks around the world.

Overall, axolotls are unique aquatic creatures that some people also own as pets. However, in some countries having axolotls as pets is banned as they are now considered an endangered species. This is mainly due to pollution, habitat loss, and invasive species that cause the decline in axolotls. So the amount of surviving axolotls is quite low with less than 1000 alive currently. But axolotl’s amazing regenerating qualities have managed to grasp the attention of many people around the world and without a doubt, they are quite fascinating.

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